Laravel Social & Auth Login
Laravel Social & Auth Login Laravel CRUD – Login & User management is a PHP Application uses the PHP Laravel 5.4. Automatizing this step allows you to create new projects easily and to be more productive. Laravel Social & Auth Login also features a fully modular environment, distinguishing the back-end, making it possible for you to integrate the generated code to your current projects. Our application is well documented and it also includes a step-by-step quick start guide, featuring the installation process and demonstrating how to create your first Application
- Secure user registration and login
- Password reset
- Remember Me feature on login
- Powerful LTE admin panel
- Built using Twitter Bootstrap
Admin Login
User Login
User Role & Permission Setup
Social Login
- Login with Facebook
- Login with Twitter
- Login with Github
- Add User
- Edit User
- Delete User
User Role & Permission Setup
- Add Permission
- Edit Permission
- Delete Permission