ChawkBazar Laravel – React, Next, REST API Ecommerce With Multivendor
ChawkBazar Laravel eCommerce is implemented based on our popular react project ChawkBazar. It has REST API support. On the frontend, we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind, and Laravel for the backend. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It’s very fast and your customer will love using it. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy e-commerce solution. We have added good documentation, tutorials and we tried to make everything extendable and reusable so you can edit as your own need. It has full admin support too to maintain and manage your order. You will get full source code, Frontend, and Backend. It has Multivendor support.
We do not recommend cPanel. You can purchase any $5 - $10/mo server from amazon lightsail or digitalocean or any ubuntu server.
Check our Shop demos :
Customer: email: password: demodemo
Check our admin :
Admin: email: pass: demodemo Vendor: email: pass: demodemo
Our Online Documentation:
Setup & Installation Guide :
The WordPress version of ChawkBazar is also available
The React version of ChawkBazar is also available
- Laravel
- React
- NextJS
- Tailwind CSS
- React Query
- TypeScript
Storefront Features:
- Complete Authentication
- Quick add to cart
- Async full text search
- Category based product filtering
- Coupons
- Quick Checkout page
- Omnipay supported [ Stripe ]
- Cash on delivery supported
- User Account settings
- My order
- React, Next & Tailwind based
- Next SEO supported
- SEO friendly url
Admin Features:
- Analytics Dashboard
- Manage Product
- Manage Category
- Manage Product Type
- Manage Order
- Manage Order Status
- Manage Customers
- Manage Coupons
- Manage Taxes
- Manage Shipping
- Multi Currency Supported
- Store Settings
- Built with React, Next & Tailwind
Chekout Our New Item!
Our Awesome Products
v6.6.0 8th August 2024
- Added "Become a Seller" functionality [New Feature] - Implemented multi-commission support for different commission rates [New Feature] - Internal bug fixes [Bug Fix]
v6.5.0 19th April 2024
-Shop Ownership Transfer added [New feature] -Shop Maintenance added [New feature] -Email notification to verified purchased customer when a new digital product update get available [New feature]
v6.4.0 6th February 2024
-Tool tips for admin area. [New feature] -New App installation terminal command via Laravel Prompt [New feature] -Settings save confirmation. [New feature] -Total order amount calculation in analytics dashboard [Bug fix] -Percentage base coupon validation issue in admin end [Bug fix] -Responsive device sidebar toogle issue. [Bug fix]
v6.3.0 17th January 2024
-Text editor support [New Feature] -Introduced "Enable coupons for vendors" switch to the settings. [Enhancement] -Exclusive inclusion of coupon offers for Verified (Authorized) customers. [Enhancement] -Empowered vendors to request the addition of their products to the Flash sale. [Enhancement] -Addressed and resolved the Auto Payment gateway selection issue. [Fix] -Admin dashboard analytics fix [Fix]
v6.2.0 27th December 2023
-App maintenance Mode [New Feature] -Product import/export with Categories, tags with relational data [New Feature] -Composer packages updated [Enhancement] -User permission issue fixed for super-admin user control area. [Enhancement] -Digital file reuploading issue fixed [issue fix] -Analytics memory leakage issue fixed [issue fix] -Single Order invoice pdf currency symbol issue fixed [issue fix]. -Orders excel export currency symbol issue fixed [issue fix]. -Package Updated
v6.1.0 5th December 2023
-Package Updated
v6.0.0 27th November 2023
-FAQs builder added [both Super admin & Vendor end] -Terms and Condition builder added [both Super admin & Vendor end] -Contact page added for vendor specific. -Settings area revamped -Dashboard section facelifted (Super admin, Vendor & Staff) -Real-time notification added for order -Route searching -Product, tag, categories filtering options added -Sidebar menu & Footer area update -Product preview system added -Download page for digital product [customer profile end] -My-account section CSS issue fixed [customer profile end]
v5.6.0 1st September 2023
- Wishlist Feature Added [New Feature] - Redesigned my account page [Enhancement] - Dashboard Sorting Issue Fixed [Issue Fix] - Fixed build issue and infinite reload issue[Issue Fix] - Fixed admin dashboard order page in small devices [Issue Fix] - Admin Dashboard Bug Fixed [Bug Fix]
v5.5.0 14th August 2023
- Checkout form design change for 'authenticated' and 'guest' User [Enhancement] - Variation image visibility in Single product page [Enhancement] - Variation criteria selection issue fixed before adding to cart [Issue fix] - Immediate redirect to home after login issue [Issue fix]
v5.4.0 8th August 2023
- Iyzico Payment Gateway Added[new feature] - Product Import Export issue fixed [issue fix] - Stripe Payment Add New Card Issue fixed [issue fix] - My Account address modal view issue fixed [issue fix] - Stripe Payment Gateway card error fixed [issue fix]
v5.3.0 27th July 2023
- Newsletter feature added [New Feature] - Subscribe timeout [Issue Fix] - Otp login [Issue Fix] - Fixed Shipping and Billing address modal [Issue Fix] - Checkout update contact for Authenticate user and Guest user [Issue Fix] - Standard Demo Banner Carousel Slide [Issue Fix] - Newsletter feature Documentation added.
v5.2.0 10th July 2023
- Guest Checkout Enable/Disable option on setting. [new feature] - Guest Checkout. [new feature] - useOtp Switch in the settings. [issue fix] - OTP verification [issue fix]
v5.1.0 24th June 2023
- Added Email verification for all user[new feature] - Added Must verify email switch in the setting [new feature] - Unpublished/hidden product add-to-cart [issue fix]
v5.0.0 9th June 2023
- Fixed default card issue - Re-organized Exception handling for proper Rest status code - Multiple payment gateway management [new feature] - Product publish management control [new feature] - Product sale price [issue fix] - Multi-language auto translation [issue fix] - Related product [issue fix] - Product out-of-stock quantity [issue fix] - Payment modal steps modified [enhancement] - Set SMS Events from settings for Admin, Vendor & Customer. [New Feature] - Set Email Event from settings for Admin, Vendor & Customer. [New Feature] - Email Event Setting option [New Feature] - Sms event settings options [new feature] - Added setting seeder [new feature] - New Console Command marvel:settings_seed [New Feature] - Added openai support in every possible description like Create Shop ā Description, Create Manufacturer/Publication ā Description, Create New Category ā Details,Add Tag ā Details, Create Author ā Bio, Create Author ā Quote, Create New Coupon ā Bio, Create New Coupon ā Description, Settings ā Meta Description, Settings ā OG Description [New Feature] - Order cancel Recalculate [Enhancement] - Order Note attribute added for Order [Enhancement] - Handled Unused Order Creation and other minor [Issue Fix] - Fixed Settings issue [Issue Fix].
v4.0.0 18th April 2023
-Upgraded to Laravel 10Ā -Upgraded to Next 13 -Added Rezorpay (Indian) Payment Gateway -Added Mollie (Europian) Payment Gateway -Added Paystack (South African) Payment Gateway -Coupon Validation issue fix -Multi Lang Query issue optimizedĀ -Slug issue fixedĀ -Thank-you page issue fix -Re-organize Exception Handling for proper response status code
v3.0.1 31st March 2023
- Update file. - Minor bug fix
Major Update
v3.0.0 25th March 2022
-Restructure data fetching and mutation. - Add Stripe payment gateway. -Add Paypal payment gateway. - Add my cards section. - Restructure the order system. - New Coupon system implements. -Variation product price switch system fixed. - Variation product image switch system fixed. - Variation product clear button add. - Shop single page sidebar page issue fixed. - React query version update. - Responsive issue fixed. - Category slider loop issue fixed. - Payment & order status based product inventory management system -Disabled & Out-of-stock variable product bug -Language file updated -Product shipping control system upgraded -Withdrawal bug fix -product tag issue fixed -Settings page updated
v2.2.2 28th December 2022
- Order details issue fixed on admin area
v2.2.1 15th December 2022
- Quantity update bug fix - Stripe Integration checked - Social Login checked
v2.2. 22nd November 2022
- Added automated script for deployment - Documentation updated
v2.1.2 16th September 2022
- Packages version is locked to a fixed version - Fixed the latest docker Invalid template issue - Fixed social login environment issue - Fixed docker installation on M1 Processor - Fixed broken documentation issue
v2.1.1 6th April 2022
- Fixed SEO source issue - Fixed address authenticate issue - Fixed build issue - Fixed API storage linking issue
v2.1.0 2ndMarch 2022
- Introduced 4 new demos [Trendy, Elegant, Refined, Fashion] - Upgrade shop to tailwind 3 - Fixed RTL css issue - Fixed brand delete issue - Fixed gallery image remove issue - Fixed free shipping issue - Fixed few minor bugs
v2.0.0 12th January 2022
- Added OTP login - Added dropdown mobile navigation for my-account - Added dynamic category cover image - Restructure banner and menu data. *[breaking changes] - Improved performance - Fixed admin permission for vendor - Fixed admin and vendor redirect issue - Update documentation - Fixed a few minor bugs
v1.1.0 21st December 2021
- Optimize code structure - Restructure SSR build strategy - Added pagination for my account shop order - Added layout system for auth pages - Added load more on search modal - Added option to close search modal - Fixed missing data - Fixed sold quantity issue - Fixed translation strings - Fixed spelling mistake images - Fixed order view issue for mobile - Fixed checkout & order bugs - Fixed CSS issue