Support Center – for peepmatches script
Support center is a premium plugin for peepmatches script, so this plugin not working alone, you should buy peepmatches script first from HERE .
Support center plugin enables you to give support for your site’s based on peepmatches users,
- Our support center come with 2 support ways :
1- Advanced knowledge base, to write all support articles to guide your users in how they can use your site and answering questions as in your user’s mind .
2- A smart support tickets system, so your user’s can open a support ticket to be in touch with your site’s admin’s, you and your staff can reply
this ticket and resolve the issue for the user .Why this plugin is important for your site based on peepmatches script ?
All popular networks like facebook, twitter and badoo …etc, provide users for support, also keep in mind that not all people be a familiar with your site from first time, so you will face a lot of questions from your users for issues and account problems, so this plugin make it easier and let you to save time by writing your own knowledge base, and be a professional and make your own help desk .
1- User interface
- Modern and responsive design
- Functional knowledge base
- Support articles
- Articles categories
- Dynamic article search
- Quick help in site header like facebook
- Support tickets system
- Site notifications for admins and ticket owner for new opened tickets and ticket update
- Email notifications if the user not logged to the site for a time
- Tickets categories
- Tickets departments
- Ticket statuses ( Opened, viewed by a staff, answered and closed )
- Ticket owner can close resolved tickets
- Ticket owner can reopen a ticket again
- and much more …
1- Adminstration interface
- Translatable
- Add articles categories ( use fontawesome codes if you want icons show with categories in support center index page ) .
- Add tickets categories
- Add many departments for tickets system
- Add admins for every department ( before make a department admin you should give this user admin permission to login to admin board ).
- supper admin can view and reply all opened tickets
- View tickets and reply by department
- Super admin and department’s admin can close resolved tickets
- Super admin and department’s admin can delete tickets forever
– Updates
v 1.1.0 ( 6 June 2018) 1- Compatible with peepmatches version 1.6.0 . 2- Missing translation phrases (fixed) . 3- Admin now can change index page background from current theme settings .